pompom quarterly Issue 48 - The Final Issue
Vororder: pompom quarterly Issue 47 Winter 2023 "Monochrome" - in Englisch. Sehr stylische Designs - die Anleitungen sind ausführlich beschrieben, Charts und Bilder, Abkürzungsliste in Englisch inklusive, Rezepte, Tutorials, ...
"Pom Pom has always been a celebration of colour in knit and crochet form and this issue is no different. We love colour so much that often we try and get as much of it into each piece as we can, but for this monochrome-themed issue we wanted to see what could be done with fabrics that used more subtle tonal differences within a single hue, or closely related ones. In this issue, our designers played with depth, saturation, and brightness; maximum impact with minimum contrast."
Digital Downloads: You can also access a digital copy via Ravelry using the download code printed on the inside cover of the magazine from the same date.
Erscheinungstermin: 16. November 23. Werden noch weitere Artikel bestellt, verschicken wir alles zum 16.11.23
Vororder: pompom quarterly Issue 48 "The Final Issue" - in Englisch. Sehr stylische Designs - die Anleitungen sind ausführlich beschrieben, Charts und Bilder, Abkürzungsliste in Englisch inklusive, Rezepte, Tutorials, ...
"Our Fina Issue ... It is with bittersweet pride that we present the 48th and final issue of Pom Pom Quarterly. The title of this edition, Check Mate, has many meanings to us at this time, but most importantly, it marks the end of a wonderful journey. This knitted and crocheted ode to wovens includes patterns we believe any maker will be proud to create. With two needles or a hook, these designs were inspired by the beauty of weaving and pay a special tribute to this ancient sister craft."
Erscheinungstermin: 18. Januar 2024. Werden noch weitere Artikel bestellt, verschicken wir alles zum 18.1.24.